So I created my own corner of the world for me. And you know what - I like it. I like me. Once and awhile, the urge comes to just read again my own words. And it's fun. I've actually made myself laugh, which is really weird. I have good ideas. I'm funny. I'm thought provoking. I like me.
So in that line of thought, here's a list of my favorite posts.
By me.
How narcissistic can you get?
- Weighty Matters
- Tender Hands of a child
- Going from Normal to Giddy to Bugged in 30 minutes.
- Pain
- Life Liberty and Learning
- Imagination, A Play
- A momentous Occasion
- My struggle with Mommy Rage
- Ugg!
- A bit of Nostalgia
- Things I've learned in the last few weeks
- Tale of three blankets
- 'cause it's really interesting
- To all Viruses, bacteria, and other nasties,
- An old Friend
- Joy
- 20 years ago
- How to turn a 2.5 hour car ride into a never ending saga
- I'd make a lousy pioneer
I like you, too!