
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hi friends!

Sorry I’ve been MIA for so long!  It’s not that I haven’t thought about you – oh no. I have two or three projects that are all done, pictures taken, I’ve just been to lazy to write about them!
But that’s for later.  To celebrate me coming back on line . . .

check out her site here
Yup, it’s giveaway time!  Book 9 in the Sadie Hoffmiller culinary mystery series is here!
This time, Sadie heads off on a cruise with her two kids and her awesome significant other. Of course, even at sea, she can’t seem to stay out of trouble!

My thoughts: this book reads different than the others. Usually there’s one big mystery that takes the whole book to figure out. This is set up a bit more like several short stories all about the same people at the same time. I thought I knew what mystery needed to be figured out, but then it’s done by page 50. A few more pages twiddling my thumbs, and then I find a new mystery! But actually, that was great! My least favorite thing about a short story is it’s always just long enough to make me ticked when it ends. This way, it’s like it keeps on going. 

And the end. Oh be still my twitterpaited heart the end! There are awesome nuggets throughout the book
“You breath energy into my world,” he whispered, so close she could feel his breath move over her face. She felt the words down to her toes. He pulled her to her feet and smiled at her. “Come look a the starts with me. There is nothing better we can do right now that be together.”

Aww. But that’s not as fun as the end!

Anyway, it rocked. Another quick, fun, clean read.

Want your own autographed copy?  Just leave a comment on this post by Sunday March 3, 8 pm central time.  What’s your fantasy vacation? I'll draw a winner at random and you can at least escape mentally!


  1. Looking forward to reading it!

    My fantasy vacation? HP World!

  2. Yeah for you being back!!! My fantasy vacation would a cruise I found a couple of years ago that goes all over the British Isles. Someday when I'm rich...maybe...

  3. Yay, another Sadie book. I just love her! My fantasy vacation is to go to Australia. I have a friend going there in a few weeks and I wish I could tag along!

  4. Can't wain for your future blogs. My favorite vacation would be a trip to Italy with several days in Rome. Hasn't changed for years.

  5. My fantasy vacation would be a trip to Bora Bora with my husband and no kids.

  6. My Fantasy vacation would be to take my family to Thailand and show them the amazingness that is Thai...the food...the temples...the wildlife...all of it.

  7. My Fantasy Vacation would be... something that will never exist... It would be a Disney Cruise that would Start at Harry Potter World, then take us along the Eastern Coast, through the Erie Canal to see my mission, then to the British Isles, and then to wrap it up make a stop in Jamaica.
